About Us
A Brief History:
In 1937 a small band of Christian witnesses felt compelled to start a Missionary Sunday School in Lillington, N.C. Deacon W.T. Fuller and Mrs. Carrie Lampley Atkins organized this mission and the first service was held on April 17, 1937. The Reverend G.T. Moore of Raleigh, N.C. presided over these services, and later Mr. John D. Spears of Lillington offered a home for this group to use for regular church service.
In 1938 the membership increased from 12 to 29 and the first members were Deacon W.T. Fuller, Mrs. Carrie L. Atkins, Mrs. Missie Richardson, Mr. Louie Lampley, Mrs. Margaret McLean, Mrs. Rosa Parker, Mr. Sandy Patterson, Mr. Banks Street, Mr. Edward Council, Mr. Percell D. Ferrell, Rev. J.E. Marks and others soon joined like Mrs. Moselle Lampley, Mrs. Annie Street Hall, Mrs. Ida Harris, Mrs. Esther Pearl McNair, Mrs. Mamie Meekins, and Mrs. Julia Banks. In 1939 the first church site was purchased and in 1952 the current site was purchased and a new sanctuary was completed. The former cemetery land was donated by Mrs. Missie Holiness. Several advancements, changes, and challenges have occurred as this ministry has grown and developed. As we continue to grow we also continue to adapt and what makes any of this possible is the dedication and service of determined Christian men, women, and children!
Many wonderful preachers, teachers, and leaders have filled the pulpit of this church. There was a period of 9 months (January-September) in the year 1945 that the church had to continue without a pastor and during this time students from the Shaw Divinity School filled the pulpit. Among those ministers was the late Rev. Dr. G.D. McNeill, who went on to serve two local churches in the community as Pastor. The former Pastors of LFMB include:
(1937) Rev. G.T. Moore, (1939) Rev. H.R. Holt, (1940) Rev. J.R. Stanford, (1943) Rev. A.L. Mason, (1945) Rev. E.A. Parham, (1950) Rev. E.A. Heartley, (1956) Rev. J.J. Reese, (1962) Rev. J.P. Dempsey, (1964) Rev. G. Robinson, (1967) Rev. W.T. Grimes, (1968) Rev. James A. Raye, Sr., (1982-2012) Rev. Dr. Queen B. Penny and Rev. Sheral L. Raines (2012-2022).
The Last Decade:
We have completed several renovations to include painting and re-carpeting the sanctuary, purchasing new pews and chairs, painting and adding to the capacity of the fellowship hall, starting to overhaul the classrooms, painting and re-carpeting the vestibule and pastor’s office, painting and replacing the flooring in the main bathrooms, repaving both parking lots, restoring the cemetery road, and combining both church plots to form one 9-acre commercial lot. We have mounted three monitors to enhance our worship services and multi-media presentations. We have purchased new computers and a chrome book for the church offices and our multi-media capabilities. We have upgraded to a fiber optic internet and telephone connection. We have started to upgrade our sound system, purchased drums, a keyboard, and amplifier. We have become incorporated and 501©(3) approved for the increase and expanse of ministry. We have continued to maintain our church website and started streaming to expand our preaching and teaching ministry, which has also increased our impact and outreach and caused us to create online giving options. Several other advancements and enhancements have taken place to include organizing a Mother’s Ministry and consecrating women to greater work in the kingdom through missionary outreach and teaching and training for girls and women of all ages, instituting a pastoral care ministry, commissioned trustees, ordained a deacon, and licensed ministers. We have partnered with community agencies and worked hard to make a positive impact on the community. We are proud of our history and heritage and pray that we leave a lasting impact for decades to come!
...Becoming a church for all people and to meet their needs successfully and sustainably!